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- echo off
- if not exist getdrv.exe goto MUSTBE
- getdrv
- if errorlevel 2 goto MUSTBE
- cls
- echo This batch file installs Icon Pak I on drive C: in the \IP
- echo directory. If another drive and directory are indicated on
- echo the command line, they are used in place of these defaults.
- echo .
- echo The first parameter is the drive letter (no colon) followed by
- echo the directory path. It is possible to enter just
- echo a drive letter without a directory path, but to enter a directory
- echo path there must first be a drive letter.
- echo .
- echo For example, "INSTALL D \ICONPAK" will install the ICON PAK I in the
- echo \ICONPAK directory on drive D. Notice that the drive letter is NOT
- echo followed by a colon, and that there is a space between the drive letter
- echo and the directory. If the directory does not exist, it will be created.
- echo .
- pause
- if errorlevel 1 goto DRIVE_B
- if exist ICONS1.EXE goto STARTA
- echo The installation program must be run from Disk #1. Insert Disk #1
- echo and press Enter.
- pause
- goto DISK1A
- if '%1'=='' goto NOPARMSA
- rem
- rem A drive letter was entered, test for a directory path
- rem
- if '%2'=='' goto NODIRA
- rem
- rem Both a drive letter and a directory were entered on the command line
- rem
- echo The path you have selected is %1:%2.
- echo If this is incorrect, press CTRL-C and reenter your selections.
- pause
- %1:
- md %2 >nul
- cd %2
- copy a:ICONS?.EXE %1:%2
- if exist ICONS5.EXE goto QUIT
- :Loop1A
- echo Please insert Disk #2
- pause
- if not Exist a:icons5.exe goto loop1A
- copy a:ICONS?.EXE %1:%2
- goto QUIT
- rem
- rem Neither a drive letter nor a dircetory path were entered, use defaults
- rem
- echo The path you have selected is C:\IP.
- echo If this is incorrect, press CTRL-C and reenter your selections.
- pause
- c:
- md \ip>nul
- cd \ip
- copy a:ICONS?.EXE c:\ip
- if exist ICONS5.EXE goto QUIT
- :Loop2A
- echo Please insert Disk #2
- pause
- if not Exist a:icons5.exe goto loop2A
- copy a:ICONS?.EXE c:\ip
- goto QUIT
- rem
- rem A drive was entered, but no directory
- rem
- echo The path you have selected is %1:\IP.
- echo If this is incorrect, press CTRL-C and reenter your selections.
- pause
- %1:
- md \ip>nul
- cd \ip
- copy a:ICONS?.EXE %1:\ip
- if exist ICONS5.EXE goto QUIT
- :Loop3A
- echo Please insert Disk #2
- pause
- if not Exist a:icons5.exe goto loop3A
- copy a:ICONS?.EXE %1:\ip
- goto QUIT
- rem
- rem Do the installation from Drive B
- rem
- if exist ICONS1.EXE goto STARTB
- echo The installation program must be run from Disk #1. Insert Disk #1
- echo and press Enter.
- pause
- goto DISK1B
- if '%1'=='' goto NOPARMSB
- rem
- rem A drive letter was entered, test for a directory path
- rem
- if '%2'=='' goto NODIRB
- rem
- rem Both a drive letter and a directory were entered on the command line
- rem
- echo The path you have selected is %1:%2.
- echo If this is incorrect, press CTRL-C and reenter your selections.
- pause
- %1:
- md %2 >nul
- cd %2
- copy b:ICONS?.EXE %1:%2
- if exist ICONS5.EXE goto QUIT
- :Loop1B
- echo Please insert Disk #2
- pause
- if not Exist b:icons5.exe goto loop1B
- copy b:ICONS?.EXE %1:%2
- goto QUIT
- rem
- rem Neither a drive letter nor a dircetory path were entered, use defaults
- rem
- echo The path you have selected is C:\IP.
- echo If this is incorrect, press CTRL-C and reenter your selections.
- pause
- c:
- md \ip>nul
- cd \ip
- copy b:ICONS?.EXE c:\ip
- if exist ICONS5.EXE goto QUIT
- :Loop2B
- echo Please insert Disk #2
- pause
- if not Exist b:icons5.exe goto loop2B
- copy b:ICONS?.EXE c:\ip
- goto QUIT
- rem
- rem A drive was entered, but no directory
- rem
- echo The path you have selected is %1:\IP.
- echo If this is incorrect, press CTRL-C and reenter your selections.
- pause
- %1:
- md \ip>nul
- cd \ip
- copy b:ICONS?.EXE %1:\ip
- if exist ICONS5.EXE goto QUIT
- :Loop3B
- echo Please insert Disk #2
- pause
- if not Exist b:icons5.exe goto loop3B
- copy b:ICONS?.EXE %1:\ip
- rem
- rem Both drive routine end here
- rem
- rem
- rem Install complete!
- rem
- echo .
- echo Icon Pak I installation complete!
- echo .
- goto the_end
- rem
- rem The installation must be run from a floppy drive
- rem
- cls
- echo .
- echo .
- echo The Icon Pak I installation program must be run from either
- echo drive A or drive B while that drive is the current drive.
- echo Type A: then ENTER to make A the current drive, or B: ENTER
- echo for drive B, then restart the installation program.
- echo .
- echo If you continue to get this message after making A or B the
- echo current drive, check to be sure that the diskette is Disk #1.
- echo .
- echo .
- :the_end